9 Things to Know About Your Weight Loss Journey

9 Things To Do On Your Weight Loss Journey - Khloe Kardashian has been working hard in the gym and making sure she doesn't...

5 Benefits of Eating Dessert Regularly, According to Nutritionists

When people learn that I'm a Registered Dietitian, they automatically assume that I have to eat in a very specific way. They figured I...

4 “Bad” Fats You Should Be Eating

The low-fat era of the 1980s and 1990s seems to continue to have some knock-on effects, especially with regard to the entire fat family....

Why Dietitians Say That Fat-Free Salad Dressing Is the Biggest Scam...

Food culture likes to tell us to prioritize foods with the lowest amount of carbs, calories, fat, sugar, and other demonized ingredients . Grocery...

Can cheese be eaten every day?

Cheese is nutritious and popular -- it's included in many dishes, from classic comfort food macaroni and cheese to sandwiches, casseroles, salads, pizza and...

16 Healthy Foods for Weight Loss

If you're trying to lose weight, you may be tempted to cut calories, but eating too little can put your health at risk. In...

The 7 Best High-Protein Snacks for Diabetics

If you have diabetes and feel hungry easily during the day, is it okay to have a snack between meals? The short answer is...

Side Effects of a High-Fiber Diet: Know the Pros and Cons

Let's look at "Side Effects of a High Fiber Diet"  Fiber is a type of carbohydrate found in plant foods. Unlike other carbohydrates, fiber...

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