How to Start Strength or Resistance Training

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Heavy training — also known as resistance training or strength training — can reduce body fat, increase muscle mass, and build muscle. All of these effects can help you look and feel better, and they can improve your health in other ways as well.

For most people, the best way to start strength training is with a certified personal trainer in a gym or exercise facility. A personal trainer can design a program tailored to your individual needs and goals, and he or she can provide motivation and support.

If you don’t have a personal trainer, there are many other ways to get started. You can find exercise programs in magazines or on the Internet, or use equipment at a gym or fitness center. You can also purchase home exercise equipment such as dumbbells, barbells, and weight machines.

What is strength training or resistance training?

Strength training or resistance training is any type of physical activity designed to improve muscle strength and endurance. It can be done with bodyweight exercises, dumbbells, resistance bands, weight machines, and more.

Benefits of Strength Training

Strength training, also known as resistance training, can help you build muscle, improve your body composition and fight the effects of aging. It also has many other benefits, including better bone health, improved insulin sensitivity and a reduced risk of injury.

The best way to get started is to find a strength training program that works for you. If you’re new to strength training, you may want to work with a certified personal trainer who can help you design a program that’s safe and effective.

How to start strength training

Most people can benefit from strength training, whether you’re looking to improve muscle tone or increase strength for a specific activity. Strength training can help you:

  • reduce the risk of injury
  • improve your posture
  • management or weight loss
  • strengthen bones
  • Lower risk of type 2 diabetes
  • Reduce stress and improve sleep

Starting strength training can be intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. If you’re not sure where to start, here are some tips:

1. Talk to your doctor: Before starting any type of exercise program, it’s always a good idea to talk to your doctor, especially if you have any pre-existing medical conditions. They can help you make sure strength training is right for you and give you some tips on how to get started safely.

2. Set some goals: What do you want to achieve from your strength training? Do you want to improve your muscle tone? Increase your strength in a specific activity? No matter what your goals are, setting some goals for yourself will help you stay motivated and on track.

3. Find classes or classes: Many gyms and community centers offer classes or classes designed for beginners. These can be a great way to ease into strength training in a supportive and structured environment. If classes aren’t for you, there are many home lessons available online or on DVD that you can study from the comfort of your own home.

4. Use Proper Form: Using a proper technique is important when performing any type of exercise, but this is especially true during strength training exercises. Using incorrect form will not only make your workout less effective, but it can also increase your risk of injury. If you’re not sure how to do a workout properly, don’t be afraid to ask a trainer at the gym or look for a demo online.

different types of strength training

There are four main types of strength training:

Isometric: An isometric contraction is when there is a change in muscle tone but no change in muscle length. This could be holding a heavy object in the same position without moving it.

Isotonic: During an isotonic contraction, the tension of the muscle changes, but the length of the muscle remains the same. This is what happens when you lift a weight — your biceps contract to curl the weight, then relax when you lower the weight. There are two subcategories of isotonic contractions: concentric and eccentric.

Concentric: Concentric contractions occur when your muscles shorten as they contract, such as when you lift weights. In order for a concentric contraction to occur, your muscles must generate a greater force than the load or resistance you are trying to move.

Weird: Eccentric contractions occur when your muscles lengthen during contraction, such as when you return weight from a curl. In order for an eccentric contraction to occur, the load or resistance must be greater than the force produced by the muscle.

Plyometrics: A plyometric contraction is an explosive movement where your muscles store and then release energy very quickly. This could be something like jump squats or box jumps.

Strength training for different goals

There are different types of strength training goals that require different types of strength training methods.

If your goal is to improve your endurance for an exercise, you will use different methods than someone trying to build muscle or lose weight.

The American Council on Exercise  (ACE) outlines the following types of strength training goals:

  • Increased muscle size (hypertrophy)
  • lower body fat percentage
  • power maximization
  • increase muscle endurance

Depending on your goals, you’ll use isolation exercises or compound exercises. Isolation exercises target one specific muscle group, while compound exercises target multiple muscle groups.

strength training program

There are two types of strength training programs, linear and non-linear. A linear strength training program involves doing it in a linear fashion, meaning the amount lifted and the number of repetitions completed increases in a consistent manner over time. A non-linear strength training program involves doing it in a non-linear fashion, meaning that the weight lifted and the number of repetitions completed may increase or decrease at different rates over time.


If you’re eager to start strength training or resistance training, work with a certified personal trainer to make sure you’re using the proper technique. Once you’re comfortable with the moves, you might want to join classes at your local gym or community center.


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